
Sterilization (also spelled sterilisation) is any of a number of medical techniques that intentionally leave a person unable to reproduce. Many translated example sentences containing sterilisation – Portuguese-English dictionary and search engine for Portuguese translations. Female sterilisation is a permanent method of contraception, involving a minor operation to cut or block a woman's fallopian tubes.

Sterilisation (called vasectomy for men and tubal occlusion for women) is a permanent method of contraception. The fallopian tubes in women or the tubes . Science: technique) The complete destruction or elimination of all living microorganisms, accomplished by physical methods . For in those few minutes, she surrendered her fertility - permanently - by undergoing a new and controversial method of sterilisation that can be . Sterilisation is a surgical procedure commonly used as a permanent method of birth control. Techniques exist for both men and women. Sterilisation (Female Sterilisation and Vasectomy) is a surgical means of obtaining permanent contraception by occluding the Fallopian tubes .

There are more than 2published methods for female sterilisation. Laparoscopic tubal occlusion is the method of choice in uncomplicated cases. The Annex “Decision trees for the selection of sterilisation methods”. Guideline on sterilisation of the medicinal product, active substance, . Having a child now means making him suffer, said Milagros Martinez, waiting on a park bench on a recent morning ahead of her sterilisation . Varying methods of sterilisation, and their effects on the structure and permeability of dialysis membranes. PIP: The discussion identifies some of the issues in counseling for sterilization and outlines the information which the counselor should . However, not all laboratories have access to an autoclave to complete such sterilisation tasks.

The large costs and physical footprint mean they . Chapter 1: Sterility, sterilisation and microorganisms. Victoria Vigo shows no flicker of emotion as she recounts how she discovered – by chance – that she had been surgically sterilised against her . Learn about the sterilization services and decontamination methods STERIS AST offers. Contact us for more information about our sterilization methods.


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